All children and young people must have an up to date membership form. Please complete this here
We currently run:
Monday Olders – 6pm to 8pm
- 14 – 18 years old
Wednesday Juniors – 4pm to 6pm
- 8 years old to the end of school year 6
Friday Seniors – 6pm to 8pm
- From school year 7 – 15 years old
Youth workers are also in the community delivering Detached Youth Work on Monday (Melbourne Park area) and Friday (Andrews Park area), 3:30 to 5:30 pm – feel free to say hi and check out our detached youth work page
Each session costs £1 entry and we generally have tuck available to purchase during the evening. We have sports, games, arts and crafts, x-box, messy play, pool, cooking … plus much more. If there is something you want to do speak to a youth worker or **have your say**
Please ensure we have up to date emergency information by completing our yearly registration form.