Over the summer two of our young people took the initiative all on their own to run a lemonade stall from their front garden to raise money for NAYC. We are so impressed and happy to say that they raised … Continue reading
Over the summer two of our young people took the initiative all on their own to run a lemonade stall from their front garden to raise money for NAYC. We are so impressed and happy to say that they raised … Continue reading
Please find below the information for this years AGM and Presentation evening. We look forward to welcoming you all to join us for an evening of celebration. Please feel free to bring along families and siblings. … Continue reading
What an incredible evening at Essex Boys and Girls Clubs AGM on Friday evening! Not only did one of our young people reduce more than one of us to tears with his amazing speech straight from the heart, but NAYC … Continue reading
At the end of April we welcomed Vicky Ford to the Youth Centre. She spent time listening and talking to young people about bullying, fundraising, school transport and more. It was great to see young people feeling hopeful that their … Continue reading
Look what did!! Thank you so much to everyone who helped to get the decorating finished at the youth centre! Doesn’t it look beautiful!! … Continue reading
Such a great Saturday afternoon playing laser-tag in the woods! This was an activity chosen by one of our Jack Petchey Foundation award winners. Thank you Essex Boys and Girls Clubs for running this for our group! And thank you … Continue reading
A huge thank you to the High Sheriff of Essex and Essex Community Foundation for our invite to their annual awards evening. It was a wonderful evening celebrating so many amazing organisations across Essex. The High Sheriff and Essex Community … Continue reading
We are thrilled to share that one of our longest standing young leaders, Bradley, was nominated to attend an evening celebration with the Mayor of Chelmsford, Cllr Linda Mascot for his volunteer work with #NorthAvenueYouthCentre The Mayors theme this year … Continue reading
We all know the joy and excitement of receiving gifts in childhood and then a new kind of magic when you learn the joy of gift giving. It is been wonderful to be part of this with our young people … Continue reading
We had so much fun ice skating during half-term! We had quite a few first time skaters who were nervous to start with, as well as some very confident skaters. It’s was wonderful to see the whole group come together … Continue reading